The left panel!

LOOK! It's working! I'm doing it!


The main panel!

January 9th, 2025

Alright, up to date! Now I can talk about the stuff that I do in the present. I've got a changelog on the right now, but I will probably talk about all those changes in the main blog anyways. (I guess I'm doing a blog now... for who?) I think I want to limit the changelog to show the latest entry on the panel, and then link to another page for full logs. The left panel will most likely be a navbar, unless I decide to put it at the top instead. Decisions, decisions...

January 8th, 2025

I would have wrote this on the 8th, but I forgot to... SO 1 day late, here I am! This will hopefully be a neat little project as I explore the basics of HTML and CSS, while I try and populate this empty page. I'm thinking website update logs, adding random gifs and images to improve the "nostalgic internet" feel, as well as maybe a couple of random personal things like a dreamlog or such. I've always wanted to do a dreamlog. To anyone seeing this, hi!! I'm exciting to see how this will go.


The right panel!


  • My first changelog entry!ee
  • Three column setup is working!
  • Added some under construction gifs (remember those?)